Contact Details
Postal Address
Level 54, 111 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000

How long does it take for my account to be activated?

Your account will be activated as soon as your payment is processed, for credit card payments, activation is instant. If our security system flags your details as suspicious, activation will require manual release.

How long does it take to complete the process?

The entire submission process can take as little as one hour if you have all the required data on hand, for most clients, it takes 2 to 3 days to complete as you wait for colleagues and accountants to provide or sign-off on the required data. Government certification can take up to 6 months due to backlogs in the department and the need for numerous agreements and acceptance steps.

What is the difference between the Verified and Certified products?

The underlying data collection process and calculations are largely the same for both products, a small number of calculation methods are only available and applicable to the certification product. Both versions will result in an externally validated Carbon Neutral statement. The final calculated footprint and required offsets are very unlikely to differ between the two products by more than 1%.

Do I need to have some understanding or knowledge of emission science in order to complete the process?

No. Our tools rely entirely on financial and basic operations information (such as number of WFH shifts per staff) to calculate your emissions.

What do my fees actually pay for?

Excluding the government certification fees which go directly to the government, the rest of our fees cover our software development and maintenance fees, customer support and internal consultant wages to cover final reviews we do of all Verified and Certified reports. Our business is highly optimised and focused on client value, you only pay for what you actually need.